On the Non-intrusive computation of SSMs
Algorithmic use
To couple SSMTool with generic FEM solvers, which do not provide an explicit description of the nonlinear forces, we provide the functionality of computing SSMs nonintrusively (for systems with up to cubic nonlinearities).
We assume that the nonlinear function is provided as a function
handle with a single input vector
, with
If the nonlinearity is provided as a function handle with this characteristic, it can be passed to the SSM algorithm via
For the non-autonomous computation the function handle for the Jacobian needs to be provided as well. It is given as
Consequently this function handle is passed to the dynamical system class via
If the input dynamical system is first order, the input function handles are passed as
set(DS,'F_non',F_non); set(DS,'dF_non',dF_non);
The following settings should be made, to run the code in its semi-intrusive version:
To get familiar with setting up such a function handle please refer to the following examples, which we provide:
- Non-Intrusive computation of the van Karman Shell example.
- Non-Intrusive computation of the NACA Wing example.
Using this routine we also may combine SSMTool with FEM software such as COMSOL The following examples use a model in COMSOL, without having explicit access to the model nonlinearities:
- Non-Intrusive computation of the COMSOL model of a beam.
- Non-Intrusive computation of the COMSOL model of a MEMS device.
- Non-Intrusive computation of the COMSOL model of a plate.
Mathematical Details
Mathematical details can be found in the related publication:
- M. Li, T. Thurnher, Z. Xu & S. Jain Data-free Non-intrusive Model Reduction for Nonlinear Finite Element Models via Spectral Submanifolds, .